Our baby boy's 1st name comes from Kevin’s dad who passed away when Kevin was only 13 years old from a brain tumor. He was a truck driver for many years and is always remembered for his certain mannerisms & his hard work for anything he did. He was always amazing with his family, making sure they were all taken care of. Kevin’s earliest memory of his dad is when they were heading out from Kevin’s granny’s house, every time they got into the truck, they’d both start yawning, they called it the yawning truck. We hope our son is just as strong as Kevin’s dad was in everything he did. That’s why we chose that name. It only seemed right to name our 1st born son together, Johnny.
His 1st middle name, David, is after Kevin’s stepdad, Philip David. Philip has been in Kevin’s life since Kevin was 14 years old. Philip came into Kevin’s life at a very important time and shaped Kevin into the man he is today. He taught Kevin everything he knows about everything! LOL Kevin’s favorite memory of Philip is right before Kevin’s mom & Philip were going to get married, that Philip went to Kevin one night while he was playing a video game, just them two. He had ask Kevin for his mamas hand in marriage. Of course Kevin didn’t hesitate to say YES!! Philip is such an amazing influence in our all lives, such a positive & strong man, it seemed fitting for our boy to carry on his name.
His 2nd middle name is after two really important men in our lives…Derrell is after Sharon’s papa, Jimmy Derrell who went by JD & her dad, Tracy Derrell. Tracy has been such an amazing dad to Sharon throughout her life, helping her raise their other son Chance since Sharon had him at such a young age. He stepped up when Sharon didn’t have anyone else & became that father figure in Chance’s life until Kevin came into the picture when Chance was 6. We love how silly & loving he is. He always makes sure we know he loves us no matter what. We love the love that he gives, & hope that our son will be the same, that’s why we gave him that name. Now Sharon’s papa, that man was amazing, strong & hardheaded. Always wanting to do something or always had something to do. We remember him in his overalls, his intense love for animals, & his strong will. He passed away in ‘23 & we miss him every day. We really think papa sent baby Johnny our way because he knew we needed him. We know he would be so excited to know we are welcoming a baby boy in his name too.
We are so in love with our baby’s name & so thankful for these strong men in our lives. We love all of y’all so very much, that’s why our son will have y’all’s name.